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Usmonova Dona Satvoldievna
Mahmudova Sohibaxon Ahrorxuja qizi


This article is devoted to the section of lexicology-the field of phraseology, in which comparative linguistic and cultural analysis of mainly numerical compound phraseological units of English and Uzbek linguistics provides valuable information about phraseological units reflecting the mentality, culture, customs and traditions of a particular nation. The study of expressions in both languages, the disclosure of their semantic-grammatical and functional-stylistic features determines the relevance of this work. Whereas numerical component expressions are an area not yet explored within these languages. As you know, expressions are inextricably linked with spirituality, culture, traditions, lifestyle, history of the people who speak the language. Based on this point of view, the article studied phrases words, which considered linguistic manifestations, mutual influence and connection of cultures of the two nations. The opinions of linguists on this matter were studied and general conclusions were given.

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How to Cite
Usmonova , D., & Mahmudova , S. (2023). LINGUOCULTUROLOGICAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF NUMERICAL COMPONENT EXPRESSIONS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK . Fergana State University Conference, 164. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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