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Usmonova Dona Satvoldievna


This article delves into the captivating realm of axiology within phraseological units, shedding light on the intricate relationship between language and values. Language, traditionally viewed as a means of communication, is here unveiled as a mirror reflecting a society's values, beliefs, and norms. This article underlines that values are not abstract concepts but guiding principles that influence our actions and decisions, deeply interwoven with the language we employ. The interplay between axiology and language transcends mere communication, transforming language into a dynamic reflection of our values.

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How to Cite
Usmonova , D. (2023). AXIOLOGY IN PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS: UNVEILING VALUES IN LANGUAGE. Fergana State University Conference, 163. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


Satvoldievna, U. D. (2021). Axiological Characteristics Of English, Uzbek And Russian Phraseological Units. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(06), 40-45.

Satvoldievna, U. D. (2020). A typological analysis of body parts names in English as part of somatic phraseology. Проблемы современной науки и образования, (2 (147)), 32-34

Усмонова, Д. С. (2019). Роль и особенность соматических фразеологизмов различных языков. Мировая наука, (9 (30)), 250-252.

Usmonova, D., & Gulamova, D. (2022). LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL CLASSIFICATION OF EUPHEMISMS IN UZBEK AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Science and innovation, 1(B7), 467-471.

Sotvoldiyevna, U. D., & Zafarjon, D. (2023). Turli Tillardagi O ‗Xshatishlar Tarjimasining Lingvomadaniy Xususiyatlari. Miasto Przyszłości, 31, 330-332.

Usmonova, D. S., & Djalolov, Z. J. (2022, October). THE ROLE OF CULTURE IN TRANSLATION PROCESS. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES (Vol. 1, No. 8, pp. 160-163).

Usmonova, D., & Gulamova, D. (2022). LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL CLASSIFICATION OF EUPHEMISMS IN UZBEK AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Science and innovation, 1(B7), 467-471.

Usmonova, D. (2022). Аxeоlоgicаl Feаtures of Phrаseоlоgicаl Units (in the Cаse of Uzbek, Russiаn and English Lаnguаges). Miasto Przyszłości, 26, 135-136.

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