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Xabiba Raxmonqulova


Pedagogy, the art and science of teaching, is at the heart of educational practice and guides teachers in creating dynamic and effective learning environments. This article explores the changing role of pedagogy in shaping students' learning experiences, developing critical thinking skills, and igniting a passion for lifelong learning. By examining the principles, evolution, and impact of pedagogical practice, this article explores the multifaceted landscape of pedagogy, highlighting its importance in promoting student engagement, academic achievement, and personal growth. In addition, through innovative pedagogical approaches and examples of technology integration into education, it provides a foundation for further exploration of how pedagogy continues to shape the future of education and opportunities for student success in a rapidly changing world.

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How to Cite
Raxmonqulova, X. (2024). PEDAGOGIKANING TA‘LIM KELAJAGIGA TA‘SIRI. Fergana State University Conference, 32. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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