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Kuchkarova Mukhabbat Yigitalievna
Oripova Madinabonu Muzaffar qizi


Students at different ages have different characteristics, the way we teach them will differ too. With younger children we may offer a greater variety of games, songs and puzzles than we would do with older students. We may want to ensure that there are more frequent changes of activity. With a group of adolescents we will try to keep in mind the importance of a student’s place within his or her peer group and take special care when correcting or assigning roles within an activity, etc. Our choice of topics will reflect their emerging interests.

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How to Cite
Kuchkarova, M., & Oripova, M. (2024). CONTEMPORARY APPROACHES TO TEACHING FOREIGN. Fergana State University Conference. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Kuchkarova Mukhabbat Yigitalievna

Department of Teaching Uzbek and Foreign Languages Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan

Oripova Madinabonu Muzaffar qizi

Group № 113-23, Faculty of Light Industry Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan


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