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Umida Yusupova


G. In Salomov's words, - "Actually, the discussion about science, fiction, art and translation should be started with the issue of literacy, general cultural level of the people, and the state of press and publishing in the country. After all, literature, books, and translation are created for the people who can read, understand, and can afford to evaluate them properly." Therefore, the problem of intercultural differences is recognized as one of the urgent problems of translation. Because it cannot be denied that the way of thinking of representatives of certain people is directly related to which culture, religion and nationality they belong to. People's way of thinking is shown through their languages. Therefore, interlanguage differences are also one of the problems of translation. The author talks about the same issues in this research work.

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How to Cite
Yusupova , U. (2024). ZAMONAVIY TARJIMA MUAMMOLARIGA OID AYRIM QAYDLAR. Fergana State University Conference, 130. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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Haydemarie Zalevskining “Probleme des Simultandolmetschens” (Sinxron tarjima muammolari - Berlin, 1987

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Ахмаджонов Н. Analysis of poetonyms in prose works// International interdisciplinary research journal (girj) Volume 10, Issue 2, February, 2022 ISSN: 2347-6915 SJIF Impact Factor: 7.472 P. 487-490