Dialog inson muloqotining ajralmas qismi bo'lib, unda ikki yoki undan ortiq insonlarning suhbat ifodalanadi. Bu yozuvchilar tomonidan o'z hikoyalari syujetini rivojlantirish, qahramonlarini harakat rejalarini ochib berish yoki ichki fikrlari va his-tuyg'ularini baham ko'rishga yordam berish usuli sifatida foydalanadi. Ushbu maqolada ba'zi misollar bilan tasvirlangan turli xil dialog turlari muhokama qilinadi.
Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar
Ilyenko S.G. The communicative aspect of considering a proposal and the question of its recognized and unrecognized components // Russian Studies: Selected Works. SPb., 2003., p.34
Budaragina E.I. Means of creating the image of the addressee in a literary text: Ph.D. dissetatio. Sciences. M., 2006., p.106
Schweitzer A.D. Modern sociolinguistics: Theory, problems, methods. M., 2012., p.95
Vinokur T.G. The speaker and the listener. Variants of speech behavior. M., 2009., p.76
Vinogradov V.V. Some tasks of studying the syntax of a simple sentence (based on the Russian language) // Problems of Linguistics. M.,1954., p.194.