Роль культурных факторов в формировании речевого поведения узбекских студентов и их значимость для учителя-иностранца


Севара Зияева


The article substantiates the need to take the nationally and culturally conditioned model of verbal behavior of Uzbek students into account when they are taught by a foreign teacher. A foreign teacher's unawareness of the national mentality and dominant features of the Uzbek people's communication can serve as one of the reasons for the communicative conflict between the teacher and students in the learning process. And, conversely, taking into account the nationally and culturally conditioned model of verbal behavior of the Uzbek people is a guarantee of the effectiveness of dialogue and mutual understanding between them and will contribute to improving the effectiveness of the learning process.


Chet tillari

Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar

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