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Дона Усмонова
Зарифахон Анваржонова


Translation is the most important aspect of communication between languages. It allows people to transfer information, thoughts and ideas from one language to another, promoting understanding and interaction between different cultures and peoples. The translation should convey all the semantic and stylistic nuances of the source text, as well as correspond to the goals and context of the translation. When we talk about the accuracy of the translation, we mean that the translated text must be correct and understandable. It is important to preserve all the language features and the author's style of the original in order to convey its effect and impact on the reader.

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How to Cite
Усмонова, Д., & Анваржонова , З. (2023). NUANCES OF TRANSLATION FROM UZBEK INTO ENGLISH. Fergana State University Conference, 197. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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Usmonova, D., & Gulamova, D. (2022). LINGUISTIC AND CULTURAL CLASSIFICATION OF EUPHEMISMS IN UZBEK AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Science and innovation, 1(B7), 467-471.

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Usmonova, D. S., & Djalolov, Z. J. (2022, October). THE ROLE OF CULTURE IN TRANSLATION PROCESS. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES (Vol. 1, No. 8, pp. 160-163).