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Abdumalikova Oyshaxon Baxtiyor qizi


This article discusses ten innovative ideas that are transforming language learning in today's interconnected world. These ideas include gamification, virtual reality, project-based learning, blended learning, peer teaching, authentic materials, language immersion programs, online language exchanges, mobile apps and language learning platforms, and multicultural classroom activities. These approaches aim to make language learning more engaging, interactive, and effective by incorporating game elements, providing immersive experiences, utilizing real-world projects, combining online and face-to-face instruction, promoting peer collaboration, exposing students to authentic materials and cultural context, immersing students in the target language and culture, facilitating language practice with native speakers, offering personalized learning experiences, and creating inclusive and immersive language learning environments. By embracing these innovative approaches, language learners can enhance their language skills and fluency in a more exciting and rewarding way.

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How to Cite
Abdumalikova Oyshaxon Baxtiyor qizi. (2023). INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Fergana State University Conference, 10. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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