Nemischa-o´zbekcha tarjimalarda obrazli vositalarning qayta yaratilishi

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Guzal Musayeva


This article is devoted to the study of figurative means and realities in the translations of contemporary translators. The purpose of the research is to analyze the methods and approaches of figurative and emotional coloring of the text in translations, as well as to determine the factors affecting the quality of literary translation. Visual devices in stories are analyzed, including character descriptions, dialogues, and monologues. The article also focuses on the issue of preservation of artistry and imagery in the translation of poetic works

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How to Cite
Musayeva , G. (2024). Nemischa-o´zbekcha tarjimalarda obrazli vositalarning qayta yaratilishi. Fergana State University Conference, 28. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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