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Sayidov Shukrullo Khaliljonovich
Mirzaeva Dilshoda Ikromjonovna


Metaphor, a cornerstone of figurative language, has captivated scholars and poets alike for centuries. This article explores the concept of metaphor, delving into its definition, functions, and impact on language and cognition. By employing metaphors, individuals can convey complex ideas, evoke emotions, and stimulate imagination. Moreover, metaphors have been found to shape our perception, influence decision-making, and facilitate learning. This article provides insights into the cognitive processes underlying metaphor comprehension and production, examines the role of culture in shaping metaphorical expressions, and explores the implications of metaphor in various domains, such as literature, advertising, and scientific discourse. By unraveling the power of metaphor, we gain a deeper understanding of how language and thought intertwine in our daily lives.

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How to Cite
Sayidov , S., & Mirzaeva , D. (2023). UNVEILING THE POWER OF METAPHOR. Fergana State University Conference, 134. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/2646
Foreign languages


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