Innovatsion texnologiyalar asosida talabalarda kognitiv kompetensiyalarni shakllantirish metodlari

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Umida Imomova


Often, when introducing educational innovations in educational institutions, technical and organizational issues come to the fore, and the training of a technologist-teacher and a student-consumer of educational services is the focus of managers' attention. Meanwhile, the underdevelopment of these two main issues (the teacher's refusal to change and the unpreparedness of students for them) is the main obstacle to the widespread introduction of innovations into the educational process. Educational institutions are organizations that operate under conditions of uncertainty, which means that it is impossible to estimate the probability of potential results in exact numbers. Such organizations also include the socio-cultural, political and scientific spheres. Any innovation has both technical and psychological consequences

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How to Cite
Imomova, U. (2024). Innovatsion texnologiyalar asosida talabalarda kognitiv kompetensiyalarni shakllantirish metodlari. Fergana State University Conference, 17. Retrieved from
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