
Mahliyo Mamatova
Hulkaroy Hoshimova


Blocking electrons in magnetic fields involves understanding how magnetic fields influence the motion and behavior of electrons. This topic is essential in various fields of physics and engineering, including the design of magnetic confinement devices in fusion reactors, the development of advanced electronic components, and space physics.



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Solid State Physics" by Neil W. Ashcroft and N. David Mermin

"Quantum Hall Effect in a Magnetic Field: Analysis of Bloch Electrons" by Haldane, F. D. M. (Physical Review Letters, 1988)

Mamatova, M. A., Yavkachovich, R. R., Dilshodbek, M., & Forrukh, K. (2022). Relation between the concentration of nonequilibrium electrons and holes in long semiconductor diodes. European science review, (5-6), 29-32.

Расулов, В. Р., Расулов, Р. Я., Маматова, М. А., & Исомаддинова, У. М. (2022). К ТЕОРИИ ЭЛЕКТРОННЫХ СОСТОЯНИЙ В МНОГОСЛОЙНОЙ ПОЛУПРОВОДНИКОВОЙ СТРУКТУРЕ. КВАЗИКЛАССИЧЕСКОЕ ПРИБЛИЖЕНИЕ. Universum: технические науки, (10-5 (103)), 24-31.

Rustamovich, R. V., Yavkachovich, R. R., Adhamovna, M. M., Qizi, K. M. N., & Dovlatboyevich, M. D. (2022). VOLT-AMPERE CHARACTERISTICS OF A THREE-LAYER SEMICONDUCTOR DIODE OF DOUBLE INJECTION. European science review, (5-6), 37-41.

Rasulov, V. R., Rasulov, R. Y., Mamatova, M. A., & Eshboltaev, I. M. (2022). THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION OF ENERGY STATES IN A MULTILAYER SEMICONDUCTOR STRUCTURE IN THE QUASICLASSICAL APPROXIMATION. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, 10(12), 96-104.

Rasulov, V. R., Rasulov, R. Y., Mamatova, M. A., & Qosimov, F. (2022, December). Semiclassical theory of electronic states in multilayer semiconductors. Part 1. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2388, No. 1, p. 012156). IOP Publishing.

Маматова, М. А., Исомаддинова, У. М., Кодиров, Н. У. О., & Обидова, М. И. (2022, December). КВАЗИСТАЦИОНАРНЫЕ ЭНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИЕ СОСТОЯНИЯ В СФЕРИЧЕСКОЙ ПОЛУПРОВОДНИКОВОЙ ПОТЕНЦИАЛЬНОЙ ЯМЕ. In The 12 th International scientific and practical conference “Eurasian scientific discussions”(December 18-20, 2022) Barca Academy Publishing, Barcelona, Spain. 2022. 542 p. (p. 226).