Social and philosophical problems in Isaac Asimov’s novel “The End of Eternity”


Rafael Akhmedov


Ushbu maqolada “Abadiyatning oxiri” romanini zamonaviy ilmiy-fantastik adabiyotning ajoyib asarlaridan biriga aylantirgan va romanida ustalik bilan tasvirlangan ijtimoiy-falsafiy muammolarni, yozuvchi maqsadini etkazishning bir qator xususiyatlarini, ilmiy taxminlarning ajoyibligini, janr o'ziga xosligini va "ikki" tematik tubning mavjudligi muallif tomonidan aniqladi va tahlil qilindi.


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Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar

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Akhmedov R. Sociological Content of Isaac Asimov’s “The End of Eternity” // TITFL: Topical Issues of Teaching Foreign Languages. – Bukhara, 2021. – P. 271-275.

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Филистова Н. Ю., Абдулин З. Ф. Лингвистические особенности концепта «Time» (на материале романа А. Азимова “The End of Eternity”) // Нижневартовский филологический вестник. – 2019. № 1. – С. 46-51.