
Ibragimov Shexrozbek To‘lqinjon o‘g‘li


Maqolada romanning o‘zbekcha tarjimasida badiiy tasviriy vositalarini o‘zining tuzilishi va ma’nosini saqlab qolgan va qolmaganligini
ko‘rib chiqamiz.


Chet tillari

Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar

Harold Lamb, “Bobur-yo‘lbars”. G‘ofurjon Satimov tarjimasi. Toshkent-“O‘zbekiston”, 2015.

2)O‘zbek tilining izohli lug‘ati (electron)

Khoshimova, D. M., & Inomiddinova, D. I. (2015). COMPARATIVE STUDYING THE WORLD OF ANIMALS IN" BABURNAME" BY ZM BABUR. Вестник современной науки, (9- 1), 97-99.

Khoshimova, D. (2022). THE TRANSLATION PROBLEMS OF LINGUOCULTURAL PECULIARITIES OF “BABURNAME”. Gospodarka i Innowacje., 24, 1067-1069.

Khoshimova, D. (2020). GENERAL AND CONDITIONAL PECULIARITIES OF DESCRIPTIVE MEANS IN" BABURNAME". The Scientific Heritage, (49-3), 50-51.

Khoshimova, D. (2019). The place of author's personal and interpersonal comparison means in translation of «Baburname». Sciences of Europe, (45-5 (45)), 46-48.

Axmadjonov Nurbek, Xabibullayeva D. Classification and linguocultrological characteristics of precedent units. Fars international journal of education, social science humanities. issn: 2945-4492. 10(12); 2022; Impact Factor: SJIF 2022 6.786. P. 777-780

7. Axmadjonov Nurbek, Islomjonova Jasmina. Badiiy matnda allyuziv antroponimlarning xususiyatlari. Journal of advanced research and stability volume: 03 issue: 01 | jan - 2023 issn: 2181-2186

8. Akhmadjonov Nurbek FerSU, PhD in philology, Yusupova Mohibonu FerSU, Student. Allusive Names in Artistic Texts. Vital Annex: International Journal of Novel Research in Advanced Sciences (IJNRAS) Volume: 02 Issue: 02 | 2023 ISSN: 2751-756X. Page 34-38