
К.А. Ботиров


В этой главе представлены результаты исследования прямых и обратных ветвей вольт-амперных характеристик, вольт емкостных исследований, нагрузочных и спектральных характеристик солнечных фотопреобразователей на основе гетеро структур  Cu2-xSe-CdSe. Исследованные образцы солнечных элементов не имели токосъёмных контактных сеток в Cu2-xSe. Для проведения электрических и фотоэлектрических свойств солнечных элементов использовали точечный контакт, нанесенный на поверхность теллурида меди серебряной пастой.



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L. Leontie, V. Nedeff, I. Evtodiev, M Stamate. Photoelectric properties of Bi2O3/GaSe heterojunctions. February 2009Applied Physics Letters 94(7):071903-071903-3. DOI:10.1063/1.3035854

V. N. Katerynchuk, Z. D. Kovalyuk, Z. Kudrynskyi. Photoelectric properties of n-ITO/p-GaTe heterojunctions. May 2015Semiconductors 49(5):600-603. DOI:10.1134/S1063782615050085

Kangwei Cen, Shenlang Yan, Ning Yang, Xiansheng Dong, Luzhen Xie, Mengqiu Long, Tong Chen. The adjustable electronic and photoelectric properties of the WS2/WSe2 and WSe2/WTe2 van der Waals heterostructures. Vacuum. Volume 212, June 2023, 112020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vacuum.2023.112020

Jianpei Wang, Haiying Yang, Ping Yang. Photoelectric properties of 2D ZnO, graphene, silicene materials and their heterostructures. Composites Part B: Engineering/Volume233,15March2022,109645. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.

A. Hendi, R. Alkhraif, H. Alshehri, F. AlKallas, M. Almoneef. Photovoltaic Performance of Thin-Film CdTe for Solar Cell Applications. Journal of Nanofluids / Vol. 10, pp. 91–97, 2021/ www.aspbs.com/jon

Intu Sharma, Bodh Raj Mehta. KPFM and CAFM based studies of MoS2 (2D)/WS2 heterojunction patterns fabricated using stencil mask lithography technique. Journal of Alloys and Compounds / Volume 723, 5 November 2017, Pages 50-57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.06.203

Salah Sadek. CdTe - CdSe anisotype heterojunction. Electrical Engineering Department, Imperial College London, S. W. 7. June, 1975

D. L. Feucht. Heterojunctions in photovoltaic devices. J. Vac. Sci. Technol. 14, 57–64 (1977). https://doi.org/10.1116/1.569153

Chuang Liu, Yuchen Hao, Xiaoli Dong, Xiuying Wang. A novel supermolecular preorganization route for improving g-C3N4/g-C3N4 metal-free homojunction photocatalysis. September 2017. New Journal of Chemistry 41(20). DOI:10.1039/C7NJ02639K

SM Otajonov, RN Ergashev, T Axmedov, Ya Usmonov, B Karimov. Photoelectric properties of solar cells based on pCdTe-nCdS and pCdTe-nCdSe heterostructures. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2022/12/1. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/2388/1/012062/meta

SM Otazhonov, RN Ergashev, KA Botirov, BA Qaxxorova, MA Xudoynazarova, NA Abdukarimova. Influence of thickness and temperature on photoelectric properties of p-CdTe-nCdS and pCdTe-CdSe heterostructures. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. (2022, December). https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/2388/1/012001

I. Karimov S.M. Otajonov, R.N. Ergashev. Electrophysical and surface active properties of p-CdTe-nCDS and pCdTe-CdSe heterostructures with deep impurity levels. Modern trends in the development of semiconductor physics: achievements, problems and prospects. © Research Institute of FPM, 2022.

R.N. Ergashev, M.M. Bakhramov. Transparent conductive Sn based. Horizon: Journal of Humanity and Artificial Intelligence. 2023/5/31. http://univerpubl.com/index.php/horizon/article/view/1882