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Kian Pishkar
Nooshin Nasery


The eight-year war, years of the Holy Defense were not the only great position
for Islamic soldiers on the right-against-wrong fronts; because alongside them, the cultural community, and especially the poets, had a different but equally effective weapon in their hands, and it was the pen. The contemporary history of Iran is full of resistance, self-sacrifice and stability in the path of freedom and liberty of Iran, which was suddenly attacked by Iraq’s regime, was tied to the most important mission of revolutionary literature and the most influential current of those years, the poetry of the revolution.

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Как цитировать
Kian Pishkar, & Nooshin Nasery. (2024). COMPARATIVE STUDY OF POSTWAR LITERATURE (IRANIAN HOLY DEFENSE AND VIETNAM’S WAR) KOMUNYAKAA’S AND AMINPOUR’S POEMS. Конференция Ферганского государственного университета. извлечено от
Иностранные языки
Биографии авторов

Kian Pishkar

Assistant professor of English language and literature, Islamic Azad University Jieroft Branch, Iran

Nooshin Nasery

Assistant professor of English language and literature, Islamic Azad University Jieroft Branch, Iran

Библиографические ссылки

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