Pasxa (qayta tirilish) bayrami

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Zilola Pazilova


This is an article about Easter, which is widely celebrated among the German people. The emergence of the holiday (resurrection), when and how is celebrated, and the features of such lexical units as the Easter bunny, Easter egg, Easter lamb, Easter flag are condemned.

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How to Cite
Pazilova, Z. (2024). Pasxa (qayta tirilish) bayrami. Fergana State University Conference, 50. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


Anke Fischer. Feste und Bräuche in Deutschland. – München: Sammüller Kreativ GmbH, 2004. [32]

Helga Maria Wolf. Die schönsten Bräuche, Rituale und Traditionen. – Berlin: Insel Verlag, 2018. [161]

Angelika Feilhauer. Feste feiern in Deutschland. – Zürich: Sanssoici im Verlag Nagel & Kimche AG, 2000. [65]

Langenscheidt. Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Berlin und München: 2016. [807]