Tilshunoslik fanining til o‘rganishdagi o‘rni va ahamiyati

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Mamatqulov. A
Marjona Muxiddinova


Description of the teaching of linguistics, it’s historical process. Scientists: Mahmud Koshghari, Zamakhshari and the contributions of the Central Asian scientists to the development of linguistics. The researches of the Russian scientist Lomonosov are expressed. Methods and methods teaching linguistics are discussed.

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How to Cite
Mamatqulov. A, & Muxiddinova, M. (2024). Tilshunoslik fanining til o‘rganishdagi o‘rni va ahamiyati. Fergana State University Conference, 154. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/2891
Foreign languages


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