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Rasulov Voxob Rustamovoch
Rasulov Rustam Yavkachovich
Muminov Islombek Arabboyevich
Urinova Kamala Komiljanovna
Farmanov Islom Elmar o‘g‘li


This research investigates the dimensional quantization in semiconductor quantum wells with a complex zone structure, specifically focusing on materials like n-GaP and p-Te, which possess a distinctive "hump-like structure" within their energy bands. The study aims to understand the energy spectrum and wave functions of electrons in these unique semiconductor structures, essential for various optical and photovoltaic applications. Through a theoretical approach, the research unveils a non-overlapping spectrum of dimensionally quantized electron levels, determined by the presence of an energy gap between distinct subzones within the conduction band. The study provides analytical expressions for electron wave functions and energy spectra under different scenarios, characterized by variations in characteristic wave vectors and semiconductor band parameters.

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How to Cite
Rasulov, V., Rasulov, R., Muminov, I., Urinova, K., & Farmanov, I. (2023). DIMENSIONAL QUANTIZATION OF THE ENERGY SPECTRUM IN A GYROTROPIC CRYSTAL. Fergana State University Conference, 04. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/2291


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