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Yusufaliyev Elyorjon Mashrabovich
Qodirov Ziyodsher Eminjo no‘g‘li


This article explores the linguistic challenges that arise in the digital age and the potential solutions and pitfalls associated with navigating them. The introduction provides an overview of the impact of technology on language use and communication. The literature review examines previous research on linguistic challenges in the digital age, including issues such as machine translation, online communication, and language preservation. The methodology section discusses the methods used to collect and analyze data on these challenges. The results and findings section presents the key findings of the study, including the benefits and drawbacks of various solutions. The discussion and analysis section explores the implications of these findings for language use and communication in the digital age. The conclusion offers recommendations for addressing linguistic challenges in the digital age, including the need for continued research and development of language technologies. Finally, the references section provides a list of sources cited throughout the article.

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How to Cite
Yusufaliyev, E., & Qodirov, Z. (2024). NAVIGATING LINGUISTIC CHALLENGES IN THE DIGITAL AGE: EXPLORING SOLUTIONS AND PITFALLS. Fergana State University Conference, 157. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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