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Shuhrat Sherg‘oziyev


The article describes the state of Babur's army during the battle between Babur and Shaybani Khan for the throne of Samarkand. During the siege, when there was no help from anywhere, the desperation of the army and the inhabitants of the fortress and their escape from the city was depicted through the saj. It also examines how this sajy is reflected in English translations.

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How to Cite
Sherg‘oziyev, S. (2024). «BOBURNOMA» MATNIDA SAMARQAND QAMALINI IFODALASHDA FOYDALANILGAN SAJ’LARNING INGLIZ TILIGA TARJIMALARI. Fergana State University Conference, 143. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/2878
Foreign languages


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