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Shaxnozaxon Ergasheva


our time is determined by factors related to the processes of globalization, the need to establish effective relationships with people, including representatives of other nations. In this regard, studies in which language is considered as a carrier of the cultural “behavior” of a certain ethnic group remain in demand in modern linguistics. In addition, the choice of the dissertation topic is associated with the need to fill the gap in the description of the lexical-semantic group of verbs. It is relevant to conduct a cross-analysis of behavioral verbs using materials from the English and Uzbek languages, as well as to develop rules for determining what is common and what is different between them

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How to Cite
Ergasheva, S. (2024). OʻZBEK VA INGLIZ TILLARIDAGI XULQ-ATVOR FEʻLLARINING LEKSIK TAHLILI. Fergana State University Conference. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/3310
Foreign languages


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