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Shvaikovskiy A.S.
Kuanyshbek A.T.


The current educational situation is distinguished by the appearance of the humanitarian tendency, which involves differences from traditional aspects in the organization of the learning process, which are based on the theory of personality-oriented collaboration. The article deals with the essence of the modern educational system in teaching English in the field of education. It identifies the consistency of application of certain teaching methods, as well as their specificity. The main methods of teaching English are defined, and the role of the language itself in the system of international relations is actualized. The notion of foreign language learning systems on the basis of a common international space is formed. In process of work on formation of foreign language competence of students the types of motivation to study a foreign language in an educational institution, methods and techniques of its formation in the process of application of technology of teaching on the basis of student-centered approach are considered, the results of realization of this technology are described.

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How to Cite
Shvaikovskiy A.S., & Kuanyshbek A.T. (2024). MODERN TOOLS FOR TEACHING ENGLISH LANGUAGE THROUGH LEARNER-CENTERED KNOWLEDGE. Fergana State University Conference. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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