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Tazabekova Samal Zhumakhanovna


This article is dedicated to modern technologies and their use in teaching languages to students of the digital generation. The authors point out the factors that contribute to the introduction of new technologies, consider the psychological characteristics of modern learners and suggest ways to take these characteristics into account when choosing types of technologies for teaching foreign languages. The authors emphasize that the quality of foreign language teaching in higher education at the current stage directly depends on the introduction of modern information and communication technologies and the use of their potential in the educational process, which is a trend in the development of society. Digital narratives, clips, podcasts, web quests, and trailers are created using the video camera of any mobile device with direct. Internet access and can be accessed by any student, anytime, anywhere convenient. It is presented a variety of exercises with mobile devices that provoke a great response from both teachers and students.

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How to Cite
Tazabekova, S. (2024). MODERN TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS OF TEACHING LANGUAGES. Fergana State University Conference. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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