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Dilafruz G‘aniyeva


this atricle is focused on analyzing various ways of forming new terms and lexical units in the microfield “education” in English including semantic, morpholgical and syntactic ways.

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How to Cite
G‘aniyeva, D. (2024). “TA’LIM” MIKROMAYDONI BIRLIKLARINI SHAKLLANTIRISHNING USUL VA VOSITALARI. Fergana State University Conference, 169. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/2909
Foreign languages


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Axmadjonov Nurbek f.f.b.f.d (PhD) Poetonimlarning badiiy asarlarda qo‘llanishi. Ўзбек тили тараққиёти ва халқаро ҳамкорлик масалалари. Халқаро илмий-амалий конфренция материаллари 19.10.2023. 352-357 бетлар.

Nurbek Akhmadjonov Signs of a precedent name (example of the name “Berliner Mauer”) "Science and Education" Scientific Journal / Impact Factor 3.848 (SJIF) January 2023 / Volume 4 Issue 1