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Mashhura Abdujalilova


Folk folklore is the cultural heritage of this nation. They reflect all the thoughts, worldview, lifestyle, behavior and beliefs of that people. As each nation has its own characteristics, this does not affect their proverbs. Even though the topics in the proverbs are similar, the images in them are distinguished by the fact that they are not repeated. It is these images that provide national coloring in proverbs. In particular, through proverbs with the names of household items, it not only shows the differences between the cultures of the two peoples, but also plays a very important role in clearly showing the similarities in the way of life and daily life. Because any word or term used in folklore samples, whether it is a household item or a term related to another field, the attitude to this particular term can be seen in the proverb.

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How to Cite
Abdujalilova, M. (2024). O‘ZBEK VA INGLIZ XALQ FOLKLOR NAMUNALARIDA UY-RO‘Z’ORGA OID SO‘ZLARNING MUHTASAR LINGVO-KULTUROLOGIK TAHLILI. Fergana State University Conference, 117. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/2849
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