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Nematova Shahrizoda Bahrom qizi


Tourism holds significant importance and has a wide range of positive impacts on individuals, communities, economies, and the environment. Tourism contributes to economic growth by generating income, creating jobs, and supporting local businesses. It stimulates spending on accommodation, transportation, food, attractions, and other tourism-related services, leading to increased revenue for destinations. Additionally, tourism diversifies the economy, reducing dependency on a single industry and enhancing overall economic resilience. In addition to that, tourism facilitates the exchange and transfer of knowledge, expertise, and best practices between destinations and tourism professionals. Collaboration and learning from successful models inspire innovation, allow for skill sharing, and contribute to continuous improvement in the tourism industry.

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How to Cite
Nematova , S. (2023). TOURISM IN EDUCATION AND ITS INFLUENCE ON ACQUIRING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Fergana State University Conference, 116. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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