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Dushatova Shohsanam Baxtiyor qizi
Abdurashidova Zilolaxon Ulug’bek qizi


I ran against a lot of troubles that I would like to share in my final thesis and also I would like to share some ideas for teaching vocabulary to young learners. At the beginning during the discussions with my colleagues we found out that some kind of conception was needed, next we pointed out that there were missing good textbooks or materials, also didactic aids and methodology books. Frequent complain of many teachers is that it is extremely difficult to teach children that seem to lack the basic talent for learning languages. Therefore, I would like to refer to the possibilities which teaching a foreign language to young learners brings
This work aims to show several ways that can be used to teach vocabulary to young learners. I would like to show why and how teaching vocabulary to young learners can be more efficient.

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How to Cite
Dushatova, S., & Abdurashidova , Z. (2023). THE IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING VOCABULARY TO YOUNG LEARNERS. Fergana State University Conference, 40. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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