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M.G. Dadamirzaev
M.O. Kosimova
A.S. Maxmudov
M.F. Habibullayeva


2D o‘lchamdagi p-n-o‘tishli diodlar volt-amper xarakteristikasining yorug‘lik to‘lqin uzunligiga hamda yorug’lik quvvatining ortib borishi bilan teskari tok o’zgarishi nazariy jixatdan o’rganilgan va bu fotovoltaik mexanizmga mos kelishi, xosil bo’lgan fototok teskari tokni ortirib borishi isbotlangan. Bu esa kam energiya iste’moli bilan ishlaydigan yangi optoelektronik qurilmalar ishlab chiqarishda asosiy funksiyalardan biri bo’lishi ko’rsatib berilgan.

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How to Cite
M.G. Dadamirzaev, M.O. Kosimova, A.S. Maxmudov, & M.F. Habibullayeva. (2023). 2D O‘LCHAMLI p-n-O‘TISH VAX NING YORUG‘LIK TO‘LQIN UZUNLIGIGA BOG‘LIQLIGI. Fergana State University Conference, 224–228. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/2281


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