Jaloliddin Rumiy asarlarining nemis tilida nashr etilishi va o‘rganilishi

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Otabek Bаbаyev


Jalaliddin Rumi's work has attracted the attention of the peoples of the world from its time to the present day. Of course, German scholars also became aware of the poet's great work, “The Masnavi”, as well as receiving praise from the poet's poems and proverbs. In this article, Rumi's German fans read and studied the works of Rumi with an incredibly deep devotion and were told about his creative approaches.

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How to Cite
Bаbаyev O. (2024). Jaloliddin Rumiy asarlarining nemis tilida nashr etilishi va o‘rganilishi. Fergana State University Conference, 35. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/3062
Foreign languages


Wolfgang Lentz. Goethes Noten und Abhandlungen zum West- östlichen Divan. Hamburg. 1958

Babayev, O. (2024). Periodische Phasen der Forschungen von Rumis Werken in deutscher Sprache. Центр научных публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 46(46). Извлечено от http://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/12002

Babayev, O. (2023). Персидская литература в странах, говорящих понемецки. Центр научных публикаций (buxdu.Uz), 40(40). Извлечено от http://journal.buxdu.uz/index.php/journals_buxdu/article/view/10688