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Maftunakhon Abduolimova
Maftuna Ahmadaliyeva


This article shows the concept of metaphor provided by cognitive linguists by explaining different examples. Recent studies in cognitive science have shown that metaphors are a fundamental part of human cognition. Their dynamic structure helps us to better understand abstract scientific concepts and enrich our everyday language. This article provides an overview of the process of metaphor comprehension through various theories. Furthermore, by applying the method of comparison, some conventional English metaphors and their counterparts in support of the idea that metaphor is omnipresent in our everyday language have been analysed.

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How to Cite
Abduolimova, M., & Ahmadaliyeva, M. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF METAPHOR IN A LANGUAGE. Fergana State University Conference, 193. Retrieved from
Foreign languages


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Axmadjonov Nurbek, Islomjonova Jasmina. Badiiy matnda allyuziv antroponimlarning xususiyatlari. Journal of advanced research and stability volume: 03 issue: 01 | jan - 2023 issn: 2181-2186