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Ma’rufjon Karimov


Through this article, it is possible to analyze the specific features of literary translation described in the scientific works on translations from Uzbek to English, and to determine the methods of translation of lexical units with connotative meaning, and in the novel "The days gone by" We aimed to determine the ways of re-reflecting the stylistic features of the selected phraseological units (in the example of simile) in the translated text.

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How to Cite
Karimov, M. (2024). “O‘TKAN KUNLAR”DAGI STILISTIK FIGURALAR INGLIZCHA TARJIMALARINING LINGVOKULTUROLOGIK MASALALARI: (O‘XSHATISH MISOLIDA). Fergana State University Conference, 140. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/2875
Foreign languages


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