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Madina Islomova
Muhayyo Majidova


This article discusses the effectiveness and problems of digitalizing education in different countries, research findings conducted in many countries, including the results of 10 years of scientific research by researchers at the University of Virginia's Center for EdPolicyWorks (Studying Education Policy). Even the most perfect software designed and technically designed by artificial intelligence cannot fully encompass the educational process. On the contrary, the main idea of the article is the need to study in what circumstances "Number" can be an ointment to the pain of the education system and the scope of improving the effectiveness of teaching, how digital technology affects educational outcomes before applying them to education at the state level.

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How to Cite
Islomova, M., & Majidova, M. (2024). TA’LIM TIZIMINI RAQAMLASHTIRISHDAGI MUAMMO VA YECHIMLAR. Fergana State University Conference, 34. Retrieved from https://conf.fdu.uz/index.php/conf/article/view/2766
Foreign languages


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