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Mirzayeva Dilshoda Ikromjonova
Sayfidinova Aziza Tolibovna


Twenty-first century has become common and familiar to all people living on earth, because even though there are some differences in customs, cultures, and regions, English is used as a common language. English has common qualities. Because of this, it has been accepted as a global language among thousands of speakers of different languages. Due to the development of science and technology, great changes are taking place in human life everywhere in the world. Science, technology, business, education, travel, tourism etc. To stay, English serves as a common language and a global language. This language is used not only by scientists, business organizations and the Internet, but also in the fields of higher education and tourism. The results of its effectiveness in teaching are also important. This article covers the four skills of the English language about the results of the study.

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How to Cite
Mirzayeva , D., & Sayfidinova, A. (2023). RESULTS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF FOUR SKILLS IN LEARNING ENGLISH. Fergana State University Conference, 98. Retrieved from
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